Thursday, September 04, 2008

Virgin Rings Are Not Chastity Belts

This pregnant Palin has been making me think more. Two key figures of the Republican party (Palin, and current VP Dick Cheney) have children who are either porking out of wedlock or gay -- And these are the two foremost leaders promoting "abstinence education" and a gay marriage ban? In the midst of all of this irony, it had me thinking of role models.

Who are this generation's role models? Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. I'm not even opening that one up for debate. That's just the answer.

All of whom wear Virgin Rings. You know, the I'm-not-porking-until-marriage rings. This is awesome. I don't really think too many teenagers should be doing the dandy. That's what college is for. But where are our other role models?

Where is the brave role model for the other 98% of teens who don't actually consider abstinence as an option? Where was Christina Aguilera when she was breaking it off on her groupies?

What a great time to do a condom commercial. Show your loyal followers how pregnancy is a mistake when you're 17. Yes. Sarah Palin's daughter's baby is a mistake. And X-Tina is probably a great spokes person to explain how genital warts are really just not a good thing.

Half of the problem with sex is that no one will talk about it. Abstinence is great for kids. Abstinence does not mean avoiding the topic or treating sex as taboo. Clearly that doesn't work as well as intended. We now have a pregnant 17 year old from the land of Virgin Rings and a boyfriend who takes the ring thing to a whole new level. Her name, Brsitol, is tattooed on his wedding ring finger. Which, to me, just screams: I understand long term commitment!

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