Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Politics and the Importance of Oral Hygiene

When I think of politics, I think of the eight pound Social Studies book I carried around on my back year after year. I hated Social Studies. Never mind the fact that my English books were twice as big. That's not important. I loved English.

But politics? U.S. History? Economics? Supply and demand? Beyond the supply of pot in the area and my demand for it, I could care less about the subject. Or any of those others that don't have a clever drug reference.

But somehow you become much more invested in a subject when you're directly effected by what people are doing, banning, prohibiting, etc. within that subject. And now I know how people become invested in a political party's beliefs. Just like Republicans become the best Republicans they can be after they start making enough money, so I became the best Joel I could be when I came out.

Wait. That parallel didn't work... So I became the best Democrat I could be when I realized Republicans are bigots... no, that's not it either. Whatever.

I've Googled multiple "Pro-Family" websites (Focus on the Family, Family Research Council). I tried to weed through the sites' pleasantries to find the root of the evil, but it was so difficult with so many distractions. Conservatives have extremely white teeth! Which is why, if I'm being honest, I question Obama's choice of Joe Biden as his running mate. His teeth are curiously conservative.

Are these the teeth of a REPUBLICAN?

I read the "25 Pro-Family Policy Goals" from the Family Research Council. I actually liked a couple of things I read. The discussion of the "marriage penalty" was interesting (taxing families with a combined income of $40,000 the same as a single person with the same income). It was not interesting to me when the "Goals" laid out the following:
  • Homosexuals (read like lepers) are less likely to enter long-term partnerships, less likely to be sexually faithful, and less likely to remain committed for a lifetime.
First thing's first. Committed for a lifetime? By default that would mean heterosexuals (read like kittens) are often committed for multiple lifetime[s]. Oh that's right. Heteros=Heaven=Lots of extra lives! Homos=Hell=One lifetime. Game over.

So I had a problem with this comment, which was footnoted to indicate this statement's source was reliable. Well, as they say, upon further inspection, the footnote is credited to Tim Dailey from his book, I Really Hate Those Fags. Using Dailey as a source, whose book is actually titled Dark Obsession: The Tragedy and Threat of the Homosexual Lifestyle (No, seriously, that's the title), is like crediting your dad as proof of Santa Claus. Here's why:

Dr. Timothy J. Dailey is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Marriage and Family Studies of Family Research Council (you just read the important part)...

Yeah. Nice impartial research. But much like Joe Biden's teeth, this "Pro Family" group revealed it is nothing but black and corrupt* with a shiny veneer.


* "This blog is so gay" acknowledges it cannot accurately and truthfully comment on Vice Presidential Candidate Joe Bidden's dental heath. His teeth are probably real and not dentures or anything.

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